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Dear Robert,

I am excited to report that Rich Dad’s Coaching has completely changed my perspective and reversed my thinking about money.  My life is full of hope, expectation, and vision.  This is a miracle for me because I grew up on welfare all of my childhood and with a deeply ingrained poor mentality.  My mother cared for 14 children alone and we were homeless and/or barely making it daily.

Transitioning into adulthood, I thought becoming a professional athlete, getting a college degree and later a Masters degree, was the secret to ongoing success.  20 years later, I found myself buried in financial burdens from pursuing higher education and trying to survive on nominal salary in the helping profession.  My Rich Dad Coach listened and tuned-in to help me identify my problems and counterproductive behaviors.  He gave me the freedom to share my successes, challenges, and held me accountable to my plan.

My Coaching sessions were customized to fit my genius and passions which is in Network Marketing.  Currently, my passive income is growing steady and secure financial freedom is only months away.  My goal is to give to the ministry and to support programs that empower people in the inner-cites of America.

From Rich Dad’s Coaching, I transformed from a caterpillar to a butterfly, now the mentality of wealth and riches is like ultimate freedom. I am a better steward of my finances, it has made me more generous, and I can reach my dreams without worrying about the issues of money.  Robert, thank you for everything! And especially for believing in me! Big thanks to my coach. God Bless the Rich Dad Company.  

— Trina M., AZ, USA

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