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Dear Robert and Kim,

The personal coaching program seems revolutionary to me. Although I understand it, I have never utilized this principle to boost my financial I.Q. 

I know that if the elements that make up a great skill are not applied and utilized they begin to break down and you can lose the ability to perform the way you once did. This is why I know now that I need to get into professional trading with the skill set that I have acquired through your paper assets personal coaching program. I am excited to apply the knowledge I now have in making a better future for myself and my family.

My personal coach was an incredibly nice guy and a very good educator. I had hardly any knowledge of trading in the stock market before entering this course and he broke it down to the basics for me. I will be forever grateful for the knowledge my coach, and the Rich Dad program has passed onto me. I will put it to practice and pass this knowledge onto my children. With such a solid foundation in technical analysis, I am sure the indicators will reveal themselves once I truly get going. I will utilize the resource line when doing my trading just to make sure I am being safe. I am sure more learning will come in that part as well.

— Nathan M., VA, USA

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